CMU School of Drama

Saturday, July 28, 2007

I Wanna Be A Producer...

Summer Program Adventures 2007: "Kate also directed a new play, BURYING BARBIE, written by recent Carnegie Mellon alum Chris Dimond."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm rather impressed with this summer reportorial as the description of these plays provided very unique experiences like sympathetic portrayals of Donald Rumsfeld. I imagine that in order to pull that off successfully, there would have to be some unique adaptations of the concept of giving sympathy to an "evil" character. I personally can see the difficulty in generating a nice portrayal of Donald Rumsfeld. On top of that, a successful piece done for educational purposes can convey positive images upon the theater. Considering all of these interesting summer events, I believe that this person seems to have some strong ideas that caught my attention. So Kerry sounds very happy and seems to show inclinations to become a producer. Why not... the summer seems to have gone well in conjunction with all of the unique events.