CMU School of Drama

Monday, May 01, 2023

Power Tool Manufacturers and Who Really Owns Them - 2023 Ever wonder who owns Craftsman tools? How about Milwaukee, Mac Tools, or Skilsaw? It may surprise you to know that only a handful of power tool companies own your favorite tools. That’s right, most tool brands fall under a parent company that also controls additional power tool manufacturers and brands. We break it down for you…with charts!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The merger and hierarchy of many tool brands makes perfect sense to me. Brands like Kellog and Pepisie own other well known brands so why should tool brands be any different. It gives the consumer the illusion of choice when at the end of the day the money ends up in the same corporation's pocket. Finding out that Emerson power, which already essentially has a monopoly on the power industry in Missouri, owns so many tool companies was the only thing that vaguely shocked me and that was only because due to Emerson being primarily a power company i was shocked they owned any additional brands at all. Something else that also jumped out to me was the transfer of Skil to Chevron from Bosch. Much like other companies that work in the same industry, tool companies trade smaller brands they own like assets to other companies in the industry.

Theo Kronemer