CMU School of Drama

Sunday, June 14, 2020

Resurgens: The Theater is Burning. We Should Let it Burn. Located within Woodruff Park in Downtown Atlanta is a bronze monument. Dedicated in 1969 by The Rich Foundation, it was fashioned as a testament to the city of Atlanta’s resiliency after William T. Sherman burned its infrastructure to the ground during the Civil War. Ostensibly, it depicts a bird lifting a woman up and out of a raging fire. Aptly named Atlanta from the Ashes, it is better known by residents as The Phoenix. This ancient myth has become a symbol of Atlanta, both in its past as a city in flames, and its eventual future as a thriving metropolitan hub. This mythology is so intrinsic to Atlanta’s narrative that even its seal is an illustration of a phoenix. Atlanta’s motto? Resurgens, Latin for rising again.

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