CMU School of Drama

Friday, May 03, 2019

Ridgid 18V Cordless Butane Heat Gun

Pro Tool Reviews: Pros from nearly every trade can find a use for the Ridgid 18V Butane Heat Gun and its adjustable 1100°F max on-demand heat. I regularly use a corded heat gun with dual temperature modes. My unfamiliarity with—and skepticism about—using and re-filling a butane tool burned off pretty quickly. Let me show you how this tool saved me some setup and tear-down time.


Chris Calder said...

Wow, the day has come. My last ever comment on the green page. It’s hard to say how I really feel about this being my last comment, but I can tell you one thing for sure, I will not miss it. Another annoying monotonies task will most likely fill its place as I move on into the real world, but until then I will sit free knowing that I don’t owe anything to a not so green page at noon every Sunday.

I genuinely think it is fitting that I break almost every rule for this comment. First, the word count will sit at 149 only because I can. As for the posting time, later the better, right? And finally, a comment that has absolutely nothing to do with the article I’m commenting on (truly sorry for this). SO… I think about sums it up. Goodbye, forever green page.

Gabe Marchant said...

At first glance, I initially thought this was going to be some super overbuilt tool that did the same thing as a regular heat gun. And while it may do the same thing as a regular heat gun, the butane power is quite cool. However, my corded heat gun was 20 dollars and this one is 110 dollars so I am not quite sure that personally, a cord is a 90 dollar inconvenience. There is still no denying that this is a pretty substantial innovation for heat guns, as the article said, there really is no competition in this field because it just seems that nobody is working on cordless heat guns. My heat gun is one of my favorite tools in my bag though, it is so versatile in ways that I never could have imagined before I purchased it. While I may not be buying the new Ridgid cordless heat gun, I definitely have respect for those who will buy it and all of the jobs that they will find it helping out on.