CMU School of Drama

Monday, March 06, 2017

Ragtime by Carnegie Melon's School of Drama

Pittsburgh in the Round: This musical has so much; it is so rich. It is a cascade of characters who are fully drawn, with captivating arcs. It’s a litany of singing performances, CMU’s great bastion of talent loading all of their guns at once and firing three-part harmonies and swelling solos up and through the soul again and again and again. It’s cake for breakfast, lunch, and dinner, and by that I mean: rich, camp and unrelenting. It’s saccharine and tangy, but also somber and fierce. It is a musical with everything. Everything twice. And it’s exhausting, but tremendous.

1 comment:

Vanessa Ramon said...

"This piece is also wholly relevant in confronting an oppressive obelisk in this country’s patterned and horrible xenophobic and racist foundation; dealing with its citizens, both new and native, with unconscionable indignities redeemed only by perseverance and solidarity."
I completely agree with this article and all that it has to say. I think the company really did a great job at presenting such a robust musical not only in scale but in quality. Every night I watched from the wings as these actors put everything they had into each performance. The play itself provides a very important message that hold obvious relevance. Even here I heard tales of audience members leaving because "The Black thing is being shoved in our faces".
I am so proud to have been a part of such a piece. Every aspect of this production pulled out all of the stops, put their heart and souls and sanity into it because we all knew its importance. I am honored to be going to a school with such relevance of art in mind."