CMU School of Drama

Monday, February 06, 2017

Review: Artistry under all the flash in Jackie Chan's Long Yun Kung Fu Troupe

Chicago Tribune: Many Americans' first thought when they hear the words "kung fu" is Jackie Chan. Well, maybe it's actually that line in the first "Matrix" movie when Keanu Reeves famously utters, "I know kung fu." But their second thought is definitely Jackie Chan. Once the stuntman for the iconic martial artist Bruce Lee, Chan's claim to fame is his massive resume and lightning-fast fighting style peppered with comedy, props and flair. Jackie Chan's Long Yun Kung Fu Troupe is a touring ensemble consisting of China's most talented martial artists, hand-picked by the legend to develop a new form of stage performance that incorporates his unique style of martial arts with dance, music and video.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Recently, there has been a video circulating of Jackie Chan reuniting with his original stunt team. The online video’s inclusion of some of the stunts that this team did in the past, led by Chan, are nothing short of respectable and awe-inspiring. I have no doubts that Jackie Chan’s Long Yun Kung Fu Troupe are just as extraordinary as his stunt team was. The picture in the article is breathtaking in itself, and it represents just one moment in the entire show. I am curious as to why the writer of the article believes that typical dance audiences would not enjoy “11 Warriors” since the entire article discusses the creativity, comedy, and exhilaration that the show provided the writer with. To end with a paragraph that starts with a striking negative and an unclear explanation lessens the power and trustworthiness of the article, but it does not stop me from desiring to see the show if possible (and yes, I am someone you may find in a typical dance audience). Despite the recent accusations of Jackie Chan’s stereotyping of Indians in “Kung Fu Yoga”, I have no doubts that Jackie Chan is a great man who has consistently put his own life on the line to get to where he is today, a respectable feat in and of itself.