CMU School of Drama

Friday, February 24, 2017

[Q + A] The House Theatre of Chicago The House Theatre of Chicago and Chicago Flyhouse have worked together for more than a decade with Flyhouse being the performer flying vendor of choice. For an upcoming performance of The Great and Terrible Wizard of Oz, the cast has been learning to fly in the Flyhouse rehearsal space. We had the opportunity to talk with The House's Artistic Director, Nathan Allen, to learn more about the company's past and standing out in the Chicago theater scene.

1 comment:

wnlowe said...

I think that the idea of this company is really cool, especially because of their extreme stress on ensuring everyone is educated on the safety measures being taken from those utilizing the equipment to those designing around the equipment but will never see it in use. The background of the production company is truly inspiring, especially as someone who goes to a collegiate theater program and hopes to venture into his own theatrical endeavors with his peers later in life. I think the commentary on theatrical production is interesting, mainly because that is not the answer I would have expected, mainly because I believe that the technologies have become more integrated as time has moved on. I guess one could claim that they are becoming more isolated due to each technological area is developing its own department, so it’s no longer that lighting, sound, and projections are all done by lighting but by their own people.