CMU School of Drama

Tuesday, February 07, 2017

Four Best Business Card Printing Sites Business cards are very important ways of presenting and expressing yourself in a good way. They serve as a connection between you and your customer, providing information about your business and services in a cool way, helping you along the way as you get in contact with people who need your services and can further your business purpose.


Unknown said...

This article may seem crazy odd for me to comment on, especially because I have very little need for business cards as a college freshman, but this article reminds me of a lesson I am learning right now with Molly's PTM class: Presentation Matters. As we go through an assignment in which we must create a resume and cover letter I am continually reminded of the importance of visible, aesthetic appeal in my materials while applying to jobs. How i wish i would have known this when I submitted my bland, black and white times new roman resume to Carnegie Mellon just last year! However, the concepts we are learning now to produce beautiful application paperwork can definitely be used for decorative business cards, advertising material and so much more in the future! I am glad I now have saved some amazing online printing sources for me to use in the near future or even well down the road.

Unknown said...

I’m slightly disappointed in the lack of depth that this article provides. Since it is supposed to be informational, it has included several business card printing sites, as promised, but it does not go into much depth about one of the most important things that a reader would want to know: how much it would cost to print business cards at each of these sites. It is not farfetched at all to assume the article’s reader is a student or someone with a budget, so it would be vastly helpful to include pricing. I was also extremely happy when the article began going into what would make a good business card, because that was what I had wanted to know while I was reading about the various design tools or lack thereof on the described printing websites, but the “Design a Good Card” section of the article was almost upsetting to read: I don’t need to know to “Use a Good Design” if I am already reading about how to design a good card. “Good” is not a descriptive word, and neither are the following sentences in the article.

Anonymous said...


If your looking for inspiration for "good design" check out the following examples.

Unknown said...

I LOVE PRINTING. I think the processes are fascinating, the final product of professional printing is beautiful, and the mark up of such a simple task is so huge. Business cards nowadays cost as much as good quality crack and don’t even think about getting double-sided, multicolor cards with a matte finish for less than a kidney. It nearly costs money to even mention metallic foil.

I can personally vouch for all of these sights for all of their printing materials. Vistaprint has some problems with user experience and alignment but they are cheap so what do you expect?

Personally, I think Moo is single-handedly revolutionizing the printing industry. Before Moo, it was impossible to get more than one design in a pack of cards. If you did manage this, you’d have to meet 2000 card minimums or pay astronomical prices but now Moo has made it possible for designers, artists, or anyone looking for some personal flare to have a different business card for every need for dirt cheap.

Sabrina Browne said...

This article is relatable as heck. I can honestly say from personal experience that this list of recommendations is pretty stellar. Is there a need for a freshman undeclared drama student to have a business card? No, probably not. But when has not needing something ever stopped someone from having it? Vista print is a reliable business card printer and I recommend them to everyone. They have discounts left and right and if you're someone like me who prefers to use a template or design for aid or inspiration, Vista Print has a ton. If you're looking to get a graphic design business card or simply just want to make your own for the heck of it, you can also upload your own logos and designs. For myself, I use Moo. Just as good as Vista Print, there are a plethora of styles and design templates to choose from. What I like about Moo is that there are more categories to help narrow down your search for designs (there's even a student category so that students who just want to look fancy like myself can still find something good). Moo is a little more expensive but I just happen to like their designs more than those from Vista Print. What I've learned from the business cards I've made and never ordered is that there's no need to fuss around with large pictures or cute tag lines. So long as your information is clear and your contact is reliable, you should be good to go. (I was not payed by Vista Print or Moo for this comment, I just happen to really appreciate their services.)

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im expert said...
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j8899 said...

Lot of information is helpful in some or the other way. Keep updating the blog, looking forward for more content...Great job, keep it up.
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