CMU School of Drama

Tuesday, December 02, 2008

The public domain

Core77: "In The Public Domain: Enclosing the Commons of the Mind James Boyle introduces readers to the idea of the public domain and describes how it is being tragically eroded by our current copyright, patent, and trademark laws."


Anonymous said...

CMU has several classes which deal with this issue. The only one I've had the opportunity to take is Roots of Rock and Roll and it brings up the Jazz issue as part of its curriculum. Current copyright stifles exchange of ideas and information more than it protects the original creators holders. I'll be 40 before Happy Birthday is in the public domain and the holder of that copyright isn't even the original composer (my understanding is the tune was taken from a slave song). I see the technology of the internet as the ultimate exchange of ideas and potential. It sort of terrifies me what will happen to the world as I know it if net neutrality no longer exists.

Anonymous said...

It's sort of bizarre how today's society seems determined to trademark every individual thought, sound, or image that is contributed to society. It's a shame, because copyright policy was originally developed in the US to protect creators and foster creativity, but lately it seems to be stifling.