CMU School of Drama

Thursday, December 07, 2006

Arm-Mounted Index Card Scabbard "By strapping on this GAUNTLET OF PRODUCTIVITY, I gain a +1 on focus and maybe a +1 on intelligence. I call it the “Nag-a-tronic”, but I think Index Card Scabbard is a little more general-purpose… "


Anonymous said...

I hope that this isn't serious. This is what pockets are for. And if you really need to carry index cards and the only way to do that is to strap a pocket protector to your wrist, then thats just sad. It is a funny idea though. And kudos for thinking out side of the proverbial box.

- Jen Owen

David said...

This is how NFL quarterbacks keep track of plays. It might not be the worst idea ever for a TD, ME or electrician during a load in.