CMU School of Drama

Friday, October 28, 2005

Science, Technology and Ethics: Challenges in promoting Relationships

Lecture open to all
Hope to see you there!

November 1 (TUESDAY)

Professor Carl Mitcham , Colorado School of Mines
Science, Technology and Ethics: Challenges in promoting Relationships

Adamson Wing, Baker Hall 136 A, Frew Street

Between 2002 and 2005, Carl Mitcham dedicated the major part of his research time and energy to serving as Editor in Chief of the new "Encyclopedia of Science, Technology and Ethics". This talk will provide some background on the development of this project, outline its basic rationale and consider some of the strengths and weaknesses of the resulting product. The argument will be that in a world increasingly influenced by science and technology, it is also imperative that ethics become progressively more engaged with scientific and technical affairs -- for the good of science and technology as well as society.

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