CMU School of Drama

Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Is Hollywood Really Doing Enough to Stop Climate Change? In April, Paramount Pictures senior vp Douglas Rheinheimer, who oversees facility operations for the lot, spoke at the U.S. Department of Energy’s annual buildings summit. It’s a key gathering for C-suite execs, government officials, policy experts and property owners who are thinking seriously about the practicalities of a sustainable future. Rheinheimer’s highly technical presentation about refrigerants — chemicals used in HVAC systems — touched on a point of Paramount pride: How the company had installed an alternative energy plant on its lot which has reduced CO2 emissions by a self-reported 35 percent, saving millions of gallons of water in the process. “It’s been a good thing all around,” he tells The Hollywood Reporter of the implementation. “Financially, environmentally, and also for our workforce.”

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