CMU School of Drama

Thursday, May 07, 2020

Will Socially Distanced Rehearsals Leave Space for Good Theater?

The New York Times: As much of Europe has started emerging from lockdown this week, countries are working out how they can live with the coronavirus. In Germany, you can now get a haircut; in Austria, you can play tennis (but only singles).

Both countries also have plans to restart theaters — or at least get actors and directors back to work.

1 comment:

Sierra Young said...

This is definitely one of those things that is just gonna be really tough to navigate. There was a quote in this article where the director said there was no point in returning to work unless they were able to rehearse as they did before coronavirus, and they're kinda right. While it makes sense that lawmakers dont consider theatre over public safety, I think it could be beneficial to set up some way of testing people before rehearsals so that the rehearsal space can be cleared as clean, and they can rehearse as usual. Or maybe we just wait to start rehearsals until we find a vaccine or more widespread testing. Either way, the entertainment industry might not be too similar to how it was before, and that's just the sad reality. I really wish America was able to be in these stages of reopening, because we are gonna have so much longer not being able to do a lot of theatre. I have hope that it will recover, but for now, everything seems extremely bleak.