CMU School of Drama

Thursday, May 07, 2020

Psychotherapist practices the goofiness and creativity that she preaches

Music | Pittsburgh | Pittsburgh City Paper: A couple of weeks into the stay-at-home order, Sarah Rashmee Souri hit a wall. She was still working as a psychotherapist, though all her sessions were moved online, but Souri wasn’t finding any personal moments of joy.

“I realized I was not doing something during this pandemic that I was encouraging all my therapy clients to do,” she says. “Try to incorporate some fun into this difficult lockdown situation many of us are in these days.”

1 comment:

Alexa Janoschka said...

This was a lovely article to read. Happiness doesn’t just come to us all, we have to make an effort into finding it and adding joy into our lives (which can be difficult when you aren’t in a world that constantly bombards you with something to do, somewhere to be, or you're without asking for it, giving you your next distraction in life. In quarantine, we are forced to be more deliberate with how were are filling our time and finding joy (which is something a lot of us don’t work on in our everyday lives) It is nice to see people using their time to be creative and put out something that makes themselves and others smile. Everyone is on their phones nowadays. I am not surprised that so many things are getting views but it is nice to see that people that might not have been seen on the internet getting recognition for their creativity. I think that is both a good and bad thing that most people have more time to themselves (other than those who are working essential jobs, if you know a frontline worker make sure you thank them!) Also a note to anyone at home struggling with this situation, know that it will get better. Make sure that you are going outside and getting some vitamin D (just sit outside in the sun, but remember sunscreen!!) ALSO did you know that Alaska has one of the highest depression rates in America??? I didn’t know this until recently and part of the reason why is because their days are so short (not as much sun). SO get some sun and make sure you are consuming online content wisely!