CMU School of Drama

Monday, May 04, 2020

A Theatre Project Explores Collective Solutions to Saving the Ocean

The Theatre Times: The earth’s oceans are under grave threat. Scientists in many fields have pointed to the large-scale negative shifts brought about by human-made pollutants, mining, and overfishing.

How people now choose to behave, make collective decisions, and build solidarity around the health of oceans has an impact not just on our own species, but on all life on earth.


Alexa Janoschka said...

The ocean is such a curtail ecosystem on our planet and we tend to neglect it because well humans don’t live in the ocean. For the select population that cares about the environmental effects of big business, they tend to focus on the environment that humans populate (land and air if you think about CO2 emissions) but what about the ocean. The ocean holds life too (and a lot of life! A lot of which is still undiscovered) It was very eye-opening to read about the spiritual meaning and importance of the ocean on different societies and cultures. Although many of us don’t have the perspective of going up along a coast, I bet seeing the degradation of the ocean and the coastline would be devastating to witness. I think that it would have been very beneficial if they had added photos of pollutants and the decline of coastal heath because it would give the reader a clearing perspective and view of just how catastrophic environmental deterioration is (mostly because of the neglect and pollutants aftermath of lager corporations like BP) When theaters find creative ways to share stories and bring awareness it is always inspiring, but we have to do more than just listen to the stories we have to act. Let's see what the world does after COVID-19…

Sierra Young said...

This is an excellent example of theatre being able to be able just about anything, and create an impact in society. The ocean is such a big part of the world, I mean it literally makes pictures of the globe blue rather than green. For that reason along, we should be treating it with respect, but for some reason we don't seem to care about the ocean except for as a place to put our boats. This is such an important cause, though right now I know many aren't giving it even a second though amid coronavirus concerns, so it is nice that this article exists in this time even just as a reminder that the ocean exists as a habitat for many animals, not just a place for us to go when we want to take a dip. Theatre has the ability to make an impact and change the world, and I love that people are taking a stand.