CMU School of Drama

Tuesday, April 11, 2017

morpholio board AVA, the first transformable super doc for designers founded by four architects, morpholio is an application for creatives to share, present and discuss their works in a seamless fashion. the program includes four different suites: a digital porfolio (morpholio), mood panels (board), sketching / drafting (trace), and drawing (journal). taking it one step further, the team presents the ‘automated visual assembly’ feature, also known as AVA: tailored for interiors projects, the program can package data more intelligently and allows designers to navigate seamlessly from process to presentation.

1 comment:

Alex Talbot said...

I'm curious to see how this idea plays out in the real world, because to me based on this article this app seems fairly worthless. It seems, to me, that this is an app that seems great in the renderings, but in reality I don't see it being as effective as it looks in photos and in the articles. The workflow of the app seems very specific, and personally I don't see a use for it. That said, I am a different type of designer, who doesn't function quite like the designers described in the article. I would love to try this app, and apps similar to it, to see if they improve my workflow and organization in general--Apple and other companies that are supposedly looking to appeal to designers have created apps and programs, but I've never tried them to see how well they improve my workflow--despite my skepticism I'd be curious to see how they all function in a real design world.