CMU School of Drama

Thursday, September 29, 2005


Student proof saw.



Christopher said...

that is incredible...

just had the 'ben and norm scare the crap out of freshman with tablesaw horror stories' session this afternoon, so good timing too.

saw - $2800 (3hp version)
each time a kid doesn't lose a finger - $100 [new cartridge($70) + blade($25-50)]

and of course: not having to fill out an accident report or answer questions - priceless

Anonymous said...

This saw is ridiculous; one had to wonder if it is usable to cut all materials, will it cut foam? While I’d like to see this saw, I would never purchase it. Especially at a school it would create a false sense of security that could relate in more injuries once a student moves into other environment and uses a regular table saw.
