CMU School of Drama

Saturday, December 29, 2007

Megachurches, megashows: Some organzations spend $1 million on performances to spread message "During the Christmas season, thousands of people take a pilgrimage to a 52-acre site on the grounds of the Savannah Christian Church to experience the birth of Jesus in a make-believe Holy Land.

They take a boat ride across a massive lake into Bethlehem, where they mingle with the townspeople who greet them with fresh water, fruit and assorted cheeses. Roman soldiers on white horses lead them along a lighted path, where they encounter the Three Wise Men with a live camel resting at their side. They look on as the archangel Gabriel appears at the Virgin Mary's home and tells her that she is carrying a child. They watch an evil King Herod, who plots to kill the newborn. Finally, they arrive at the manger, standing close enough to touch the crying baby Jesus.

The dazzling journey provides spectacular entertainment for visitors for just $5. But there is a bigger payoff for the church that puts on the production. At the end of the hour-and-a-half trek, pastor Cam Huxford stands on a stack of hay in front of the group and extends an invitation for them to attend services at his church."

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