CMU School of Drama

Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Craftsman Conductive Charging Hinted By Fli Charge?

Pro Tool Reviews: Maybe you’ve heard of Fli charging, maybe you haven’t. You’re probably at least somewhat familiar with the technology, or at least aware that it exists. In a nutshell, Fli Charge technology uses a conductive charging system that allows powered surfaces to charge a variety of battery powered devices.


Al Levine said...

Wow! Not having to detach the battery from a tool in order to charge it would be pretty heckin' convenient! Imagine: It is the end of an evening call for Carnegie Scenic, and you have just spend the past four hours doing grueling physical labor that somehow involves a power tool, or at least somebody nearby was using a power tool. As you clean up, you walk towards the tool room, power tool in hand. You approach the shelf, and your worn - out fingers struggle to squeeze the clasp that secures the battery to the tool. Normally, this would not be an issue than any able - bodied person would struggle with, but you are really tired! Fortunately, you remember that this power tool is fancy shmancy and has a wireless charging battery, so you just place the power tool down on it's charging pad instead. Beyond the benefit of convenience, wirelessly charging power tools can actually make the use of such tools more accessible to those with limited or poor motor control. One concern I have, though, is the exposed metal for charging. What happens if the tool is placed down on a conductive surface? Could you potentially be shocked?

Monica Skrzypczak said...

Having tools that can be charged just by putting them down on a charging surface without having to remove the battery would be a really interesting time saver because if the drill is starting to die and you are working in a shop (as opposed to a load in or strike situation) you could bring out the charging pad and put it by your workstation and between drilling just put it on the charging pad and you could continually use the drill. This saves on having to always have a spare battery that is fully charged. I don’t know much about how batteries are effected based on charging on and off as opposed to fulling allowing it to charge between uses, so I don’t know if what I’m imaging is actually good for the battery. Regardless, I think the charging pad is really interesting and definitely has a high intrigue factor but except for the above situation, I don’t know how useful it really is.