CMU School of Drama

Tuesday, December 05, 2017

This Is How To Thrive In The Gig Economy If you listen to your parents or grandparents talk about their work history, you’ll probably see an alarming trend–they didn’t go anywhere! They stayed at the same company year after year, often decade after decade. Compare that to the average job length as of January 2016: just 4.2 years. When it comes to the job landscape, a lot has changed in the past 50 years. Flexible work arrangements continue to shake up the traditional workplace environment. Job hopping is becoming more and more common. Freelancing continues to rise, constituting 35% of the U.S. workforce in 2016.

1 comment:

Sylvi said...

This article had some wonderful suggestions about how to gig effectively. I never thought about the idea of “owning” your audience. They are right that if Facebook shut down, you would not have access to your friends and followers in the future. I know this is not the focus of this article, but I do wish that it delved into the changes in work expectations that have developed since our grandparent’s experience of work. Besides marketing yourself and making sure that you find your niche and people who want to hire you, thriving also involves taking care of yourself. They did not mention health insurance, saving for retirement, or anything about work/life balance. I find that almost all of the articles I have read about the gig economy do not tackle the entire scope of what it means to work in this way. Writers are either pro or con and write about it either as “here is how you do it” or “here is what is wrong with it”. It is a difficult topic to tackle because everyone’s experience will be different by the very nature of the gig economy, but it is something that needs to be discussed as this new way of working becomes ever more prominent.