CMU School of Drama

Friday, October 13, 2017

Billboard's 2017 Arena Power Players

Billboard: For concert venue executives, the world changed in 2017 when a suicide bomber killed 22 outside of England’s Manchester Arena on May 22, and when a gunman took at least 58 lives at a festival in Las Vegas on Oct. 1. Venue managers can sum up new security precautions in one word: more.

1 comment:

Kimberly McSweeney said...

While this article denotes the top twenty “Arena Power Players” it doesn’t say much more than who runs them and what their bigger hits for the year were allowing them to become these Power Players. While I find it an interesting strategy to have one artist make a home of a large arena for multiple nights, selling out each one and grossing a lot of revenue, I don’t really see how that’s a commentary on safety and security in the wake of these attacks on the venues. Some of the top twenty are among the ones attacked and some are just down the street from the affected venues, but very little commentary is given on how they work their security. The most informational section on this topic is the Manchester Arena section with James Allen, where he hits on several topics including shutting down the venue, cancelling shows, and managing coping and reopening. These are some of the big points to hit on.