CMU School of Drama

Monday, August 21, 2017

Coping With Theme Park Losses and Change 101

Theme Park University: If you’re feeling a sense of loss with all the recent theme park announcements that have come during the Summer of 2017, you’re not alone. Universe of Energy, The Great Movie Ride, Dragon’s Challenge and several more are on the chopping block. Even an iconic attraction, Pirates of the Caribbean is getting yet another upgrade to become more politically correct.

1 comment:

Sydney Asselin said...

This article makes a couple of remarks that, put together as an argument, come across as a petulant cry for nostalgia. Theme parks at their base are businesses. They aim to make the most money they can, which means appealing to the most possible people. That means that they cannot continue to operate rides which do not appeal as much to consumers as a newer, updated ride. A ride that holds fond memories for one generation seem decrepit to younger generations, and that which makes a theme park seem "classic" to some makes others think the park is outdated. It makes sense for parks to sacrifice the business of a dwindling population with the first sentiment for the growing business for those with the latter.