CMU School of Drama

Friday, March 31, 2017

Moving Target Technology

ProSoundWeb: I once heard the phrase “moving target technology” as a way of explaining what we are up against as graybeards in this industry.

Technology is advancing at such a rapid pace, it seems almost impossible to get comfortable with new gear before it is considered obsolete.


David Kelley said...

Technological advances always seems to be the the joking bane of "older"generations, and while I cannot say I don't some what fall into not knowing fully all of the worlds new technological advances, I do try and follow along as best I can. Technology in the theater field has always interested me, mostly to see if there if a new way that may be more efficient than the older ways. But the funny thing that I have found so far is despite technology like CNC that lets you do some truely impressive designs that you would not normally be able to do be hand, some times the older and low technology means of fabricating is faster. I think this is due mostly to the fact that building a flat is incredibly fast once you know how. Like the author of this article said though I do think that technology will continue to make its growths I just gotta be willing to try and grow with it.

John Yoerger said...

It's no surprise that this article had so few comments because this is honestly (excluding that Odyssey Online article from a few weeks ago) the worst Green Page article I've ever read. The entire first page of this article is just a guy who literally bitches and whines about how he is old and doesn't know how to work technology. You can stay with the times just like the many other older people in this industry who have figured it out. If Dick Block can use AutoCAD then this guy can get with it too. On the other end of things, I do think the moving target technology is interesting. I've known for awhile that Broadway embeds tracking technology of some nature or another into the costumes of characters to make it easier for follow spots to spot them (or completely automate it). It is interesting to see and I'm glad to hear we're heading this way in the industry. It just goes to show you how interdisciplinary training at Carnegie Mellon (maybe theatre and robotics...) could pay off.

wnlowe said...

I am sure the majority of my friends would agree that this will be me in 50 years. I wish I could disagree, but I can’t find any evidence against and there is a lot for. I am one to be at the front of embracing new technology at this stage of my life; however, I do become nostalgic for older ways very quickly if I do not like how a new update or version works/functions. Especially if it forces me to find a new workflow. I understand that in this day and age updates are how companies continue to maintain a constant income; however, successful companies have learned what updates are good and useful, and what updates are counter productive and will take longer to catch on. Hopefully, as I age companies will become smarter about this and my transition to new software as I age will be easier than the generation above me.