CMU School of Drama

Friday, October 28, 2016

What's new in AutoCAD 2017: New Features Roundup

CADnotes: We covered AutoCAD 2017 features in the last two articles: what’s new in system enhancements and what’s new in drafting and annotations. In this article, we cover some more minor changes. We also round up all the new features we covered before.

If you already installed AutoCAD 2017, you may have noticed some of the new features. Let’s see what are new in AutoCAD 2017 at a glance.


Unknown said...

WOWOWOWOW!!!!1!!1!!!!!1!! You can insert associative center mark objects. You can import PDFs!!!! You can resize the insert block dialog!!! These improvements are YUUUUUGE. Oh wait, they are not.

Every year, AutoDesk continues to tread water with the AutoCAD platform. The improvements here are minuscule compared to the ginormous leaps and bounds that Vectorworks takes each year. This is not necessarily a fair comparison because ACad and VW are not necessarily symmetrical products. However, it is plain to see that AutoDesk is focusing all their development efforts on their more sophisticated products, such as Revit & Inventor. AutoCAD is the least sophisticated platform in their product lineup and I think it mainly functions as the lowest common denominator of file formats and CAD formats. Also as a maintained lifeline for specialized project consultants, who still work in 2D AutoCAD, to work in.

AutoCAD's level of complexity may be exactly perfect for Theatre and most of the entertainment industry, but I continue to believe that Vectorworks offers a higher level of sophistication that is still accessible to entertainment users.

Chris Norville said...

“To sum up, PDF importing and center mark tools are the biggest change this version” I clicked on this article expecting to hear a compelling argument about why AutoCAD is the bleeding-est of the bleeding edge software, or at least why 2017 should be the preferred platform of choice for any application. In fact, its starting to sound more and more like ACAD is no ones preferred platform of choice, its just the one they have to use some time because of compatibility issues. I wonder if the creators of ACAD even care anymore. All the big CAD companies now have a range of products they sell, AutoDesk has inventor, revit and maya. AutoCAD is the least interesting thing they make probably, why is the entertainment industry still stuck in the past? We will only put up with an inferior product for so long.

Daniel Silverman said...

I haven’t used AutoCAD 2017 because they haven’t released a version of it for Mac yet. Some of the new features don’t seem like they’re directly related to drafting or drafting tools. The center mark tool does seem interesting, but I don’t know how useful it actually is. I can see it being useful while drawing, but mostly I think I only really use center marks for dimensioning. The App Store is an interesting feature and it seems like a good idea so that you can only download portions of the software that you actually need. The PICKFIRST command is interesting. I know that on my computer, I can click first then delete, but on the CNC computer, I can’t. Some of it may be version related. I don’t think any of these changes seem like major updates. Whether it is AutoCAD or Vectorworks, it seems like the yearly updates don’t change a lot. And the programs are big enough already and it takes so long to get everything customized the way you want it – let’s not have a new version for a couple years.