CMU School of Drama

Monday, August 29, 2016

Quickly, Tell Me About The Rules For Non-Profits

Arts Hacker: It can be difficult to communicate the different legal regulations that non-profits operate under in order to help people understand what your organization can and can’t do.

Non Profit Law blogger and attorney, Gene Takagi created a Non Profit Law 101 for Journalists which provides a quick summary of the basic regulations under which 501 (c) (3) organizations need to operate.


Unknown said...

As someone who has worked for a non-profit theatre for many years, I can speak all too well to how hard it is to get anything productive done when digging through he red-tape of non-profit policy. Most of the time it felt like a lot of the meetings and responsibilities we were attending to were for a hierarchy of professionals that cared little for the purpose of our work or the people we were aiming to please. That to be said, this is not an issue only in theatre. All 4 non-profits I have been employed at have had a similar situation.

Jake Poser said...

This summer was my first interaction working for a not for profit organization as a young adult. This article does a quick job of highlighting the many hoops a nonprofit must just through to remain a nonprofit while simultaneously not break the law.
While working this summer I feel that I learned most about what I want out of my education. Taking a step out of the CMU Drama bubble and into the "real world" allowed for me to realize that I not only am passionate about the artistic side of theatre, but the practical and business side of it too. For a long time I believed that nonprofits were a waste of time, because "How is someone supposed to make money?!?" however, I now feel that I more fully comprehend the function of a nonprofit and can support the creation of more organizations with this platform. Sometimes throughout the summer it did feel as though some emails and reminders were extraneous, I realize now that so much more goes into running an organization or business, than just the individual. I am thankful there are people just as passionate about the organizational side of business as I am the creative. After all, that's what makes the world go round.