CMU School of Drama

Saturday, September 26, 2015

Straightpoint Load Cells for Dr. Phil TV Show

Tanya Gregory | LinkedIn: Behind the scenes at one of the most popular talk shows in North America, five Straightpoint load cells monitor the weight distribution of Dr. Phil’s video wall.

Advanced Industrial Solutions, a distributor for the force measurement, load monitoring and suspended weighing load cell manufacturer, supplied five bolt type anchor load cell shackles with wireless transmitters to the studio.

1 comment:

Daniel S said...

Dr. Phil’s video wall is certainly impressive. A Google search revealed that it is 26’ wide and 7.5’ tall. Load cells in this application are important to be certain that what you are lifting with is capable lifting what you are trying to lift. More so, to ensure proper functionality. I can understand why on a nine-day install, this would be important. However, on a permanent installation with time do to the research and math on the system, I’m not sure they are necessary. Everything can be worked out ahead of time. Where I think they are important is in temporary installations like theater and construction. I can see these being used on cranes for construction to ensure that the load is appropriate and for theater where the dynamics may be changing on a more fluid basis. All that being said, the load cells are a safety measure that can tell if the slightest thing is off and that is a good thing.