CMU School of Drama

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

"Mad Men" Creator Matthew Weiner's Reassuring Life Advice For Struggling Artists

Fast Company | Business + Innovation: I remember studying Samuel Taylor Coleridge's poem "Kubla Khan" in high school. According to Coleridge, upon waking from a deep, opium-induced reverie, he recalled a vision and immediately wrote the 54 famous lines. But when we started doing the poetic analysis, it became clear that there was no way this poem came out all at once. It has this amazing structure. We learned from letters and notes that had been discovered that it was likely Coleridge had not only worked on "Kubla Khan" for several months, but that he also sent it to friends for feedback.

1 comment:

Olivia Hern said...

As someone who rather unexceptionally loathes rejection, this article was a bit of wake up call. As artists, we put every ounce of ourselves into our work which just makes it sting all the more when people don't like it. That said, it was really inspiring to hear someone who produced arguably one of the best shows on air today talk about how much he was rejected. It just goes to show that if you believe in a piece, you can't be crushed by the rejection of other people. It is necessary to continue on and to persevere. It is easy to be bogged down by a lack of positive reinforcement about a piece of work, but in this industry you need to have skin of steel. It is encouraging to hear that "no" doesn't mean the end for a piece of work. Pushing on through tough times is hard, but it pays off in the end.