CMU School of Drama

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Adrienne Truscotts “Asking for It:” A Roundtable

Flavorwire: Adrienne Truscott’s one-woman show Asking For It: A One-Lady Rape About Comedy Starring Her Pussy and Little Else! is part burlesque performance-art, part stand-up comedy act, part feminist conversation-piece. But if there’s one thing the self-described evening of rape jokes is not, it’s shy.

1 comment:

Nikki LoPinto said...

I applaud Truscotts for taking a very brave leap and bringing awareness to a serious issue through perhaps the only method that brings people to understanding: sardonic comedy. I would agree with some of the interviewees that though Truscotts wants to perform in front of a mostly straight male audience, she's only mostly going to see a laid back, understanding artsy crowd because most straight men would not be comfortable discussing these issues without feeling attacked or offended by the sheer 'aggression' of this woman reclaiming her sexuality. It's so difficult to put rape as something comedic, because rape jokes are so absolutely disgusting and worthless to human comedy. Reading what the women who saw the show have said about the production, I'm a little more intrigued and interested to see the production. The first paragraph of the article didn't exactly make me want to watch, but now that I understand the underlying message Truscotts is trying to convey, I can get behind her schtick.