CMU School of Drama

Friday, January 23, 2015

TEDxBroadway Is Back — and It Won’t Be the Same Without You!

Selling Out: Do you remember field trips?

Nothing could make my 8-year-old self more excited than knowing that, instead of a normal school day, we were going someplace special. If you, too, liked that feeling (or if you never got to experience it), then I would love to see you at TEDxBroadway. It’s a field trip day, but designed for your adult self.

If you’ve never been, it’s a day full of presentations, but not like any you’d expect at a regular conference. Bullet points are banned, presenters have a tendency to break out in song, no presentation is more than 15 minutes long, and there are cookies. Good ones!

1 comment:

Olivia Hern said...

I am so pleased about this! TED Talks have been hugely influential in my curiosity about the world. Theatre especially comes from a certain amount of being a "jack-of-all-trades." There are a lot of pieces of information that may be extremely valuable in unexpected situations in theatre, like one TED Talk i've seen about mob mentality affect a production of Enemy of the People. TED Talks Broadway is exciting because it is inciting curiosity in our own professions. Theatre professionals talking about theatre can create an interesting dialogue that I'm excited to see take root. I watched one really interesting video by Diane Paulus about pushing boundaries in theatre. She talked about placing audiences in different positions, presenting characters differently, and interpreting theatre as a new and revolutionary art form. I can't wait to see more speech to stimulate conversation about the nature of theatre, both online and by those who watch them.