CMU School of Drama

Saturday, January 10, 2015

Like those Philips lighting tracks for TV shows? They take time

Tech News and Analysis: Philips and the SyFy channel teamed up again to produce a lighting track for a television show — this time a season of 12 Monkeys — announced at International CES. After experiencing the lighting track for Sharknado, I was keen to see the 12 Monkeys effect. Sadly, I was sick with the flu, so my in-person demo turned into a phone call, but I will make sure I get a chance to watch the show to see the effects tuned to the four Hue lights in my living room

1 comment:

Unknown said...

While the focus of the article was how long it takes to “program” lighting cues for an episode of a TV show, I found it a little humorous compared to how much time we spend in theater writing lighting cues for a single 2 or 3 hour show. One would hope that the lighting designer has written a significant number of the cues before going into tech, but even if they have not, for medium sized professional shows, a short time to write and tech the lighting is a little bit more than a 12 hour day. I understand that the TV and film industry is not used to making more than the most basic of lighting cues, as they will often do everything in post production, but it is an interesting idea, that if doing lighting live could be more time efficient than editing afterwards. If doing more and more live lighting effects and changes became the norm, I wonder, would the film industry rely on current theatrical fixtures, or would they develop their own fixates specifically for on camera use? If the later, I’m sure theater and live entertainment would begin to use them too.