CMU School of Drama

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Downtown Pittsburgh Getting Its Own Concierge

The 412 - January 2015: When was the last time you spent a night on the town? Downtown, that is.

Aside from the comedy clubs, jazz and blues venues, theaters, bookstores and one of the leading sports franchises in the country, some may say there is “nothing going on.” Pittsburgh’s newest concierge wants to change this misconception by showing the city what downtown has to offer.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Part of me thinks that this a great service and that many people should use it, but part of me also fears that no one will use it and it become a waste of money. To me, a concierge is a service that someone that is not familiar with the city. As “Pittsburghers” we should want to explore the city for ourselves, not necessarily make kayak reservations through a phone call. I personally always like telling people from out of town about things that I have found or heard through word of mouth. It feels more meaningful and trustworthy. It’s interesting that they advertise this service as something that people from Pittsburgh would want to use, because if I were from out of town I would rather trust a Pittsburgh city-sponsored concierge than one from a hotel that could be pushing the restaurants and things to do that they are told to do.