CMU School of Drama

Saturday, January 31, 2015

Discovering Cutting Edge Technology through USITT Technology can be a wondrous thing. It can also be scary, or difficult, but usually it advances in response to a problem. Successful technology is rarely the first solution but a compilation of attempted solutions that build on other questions asked.


Unknown said...

Though the new technology was never revealed, it does not really matter to the point of the story. USITT is a great way for inventors to get their products out there and into the theatre world. Sometimes it can be frustrating when you find something amazing that you get really excited about and then no one else really cares or listens. If someone does not listen to you it is important to not give up on what you believe in. Eventually things may work out when someone else realizes your passion and interest and then feels the same way. It may take time for that to happen so it is important to be patient. It also might be frustrating when someone else finally sees what you see, and then everyone else jumps on board right away. In the end they are all supporting the same thing you are, even if they did not listen to you in the first place.

Kat Landry said...

I do wish we were told what the piece of technology was, but of course the point of the article remains clear, that USITT is a great middleman for new technology. I have to admit, I usually am the type to stray away from technology that I feel will take away from the traditional parts of theatre or any other performance art, but often do change my mind when I’ve seen it played out. For example, when I came to CMU, I could not see the advantage of media. We had used it once in high school for Anne Frank, projecting photographs onto the walls of the extensions to give historical context, but I still wasn’t sold on it. It felt like two things that shouldn’t go together, projections and theatre. Why mess with the system? Now, of course, having taken Buzz’s class and seen media used incredibly well in a few shows, I am totally into the use of media and find it difficult to imagine a show without it. All anyone really needs is to see the way something can be advantageous, and that’s exactly what USITT does so well.