CMU School of Drama

Wednesday, September 03, 2014

How 'The Maze Runner' Will Change the Way We Watch Movies

Movie News | How would you like to see The Maze Runner in a way no other movies are being seen right now? The upcoming YA adaptation will be the first Hollywood title released on Escape screens when the new format is unveiled in U.S. theaters on September 19, according to the Hollywood Reporter.


Unknown said...

This seems like it may be a wonderful and transforming experience or a total disaster. All of the pros are all shown in the video... But what about the cons? What happens to the experience for the audience members in the front row? What about those members who love movie theaters, but who have motion sickness? What about the cost for movies now? Obviously the experience of the entire theater is going to increase the ticket price. Personally, projections are taking this world by storm and are great advances in the world's technology progress but can cost a lot. Because of public demand, I believe that this attempt will be very successful, but I personally will miss old and nostalgic movie theaters that I've grown to cherish.

Unknown said...

I fully appreciate this. I love new ways to see more of the world created in films. I felt that 3D is not very effective, but when done properly and carefully is truly incredible. I saw The Life of Pi in 3D on accident and I was impressed by how much I appreciated the movie in that form; it was subtle, but wonderful. I am worried that because this was an afterthought, that it will detract from the film, which would truly be a shame because I was really excited to see this one! Hopefully in the future this will be used for something very focused on cinematography like a Wes Anderson film, known for creating huge and pristine images and a very specific world. Often new experiments like this are tried with sci-fi movies but they forget to make the simple movies more expansive...those films deserve it too!

AAKennar said...

So a supper big screen to watch movies on, has that not been done before, I am confused. So what exactly is the different between Escape and Imax. The few pictures I have seen of Escape there are lines on each side of the middle screen, where one screen starts and another screen ends or both screens starts just depends on your philosophy of life. I just do not see why not just go Imax, given I have never seen a film in an Escape theatre or made for Escape or yad yad yad. I go to the movies at times to escape into a story, just to be entertained or a combination of many different things. This just seems like another way to make movies more expensive. I have never been to a Imax 3d movie but that is probably 20 bucks, and well Transformers in Imax 3d is really hard for me to justify to my pocket book.

Unknown said...

So it is just two extra screens to add to the 3D effect without having to wear those horrible glasses? Sweet. Though I don't really see how having three screens that don't even meet cleanly will make it seem more real, so that could be a problem. And then there is the argument about which place is better, the closer as to be engulfed in the screens or farther back as to see all the screens? I don't think that this is actually a significant improvement on the movie going experience. It's like watching a 3D movie without the 3D part. Or am I missing something and we still have to wear the glasses for the hit-you-in-the-face action?
Those clips they showed of the three screens didn't sync up very well anyway. The same object is at different levels on the different screens. That is a MAJOR problem. We'll have to see how this goes.

Unknown said...

It's really cool to think that cinema is becoming more of an immersive experience where the audience is surrounded by the movie. It seems as though movies are beginning to go towards the direction of a 4D thrill ride similar to those that you would see at Disney. This does bring up a concern however, where I'm not sure if this will lead into a direction in the future that will make indie film less available. While, I'm sure that it will be just as easy to simply show the movie on the center screen, if this comes off as a success, fewer and fewer people will want to see regular movies.

Evan Smith said...

It seems as though as movie theatres have progressed in technology the screens keep on getting bigger and better. Just as television sets used to be about a foot wide, and now you can get one that’s a whopping 85” the way we view movies has changed drastically. We always want to see what’s new and improved. The maze runner in itself would be an interesting watch especially the way this would be set up having the two extra screens on the side. It definitely adds a new dimension to the movie experience, but I should think it might be a little distracting when the action is in front of you, and then you now have movement on your left and right. It’s a great concept, it just might be one of those new innovations that might take a little getting used to. Some people are old fashioned, and I don’t know how much it would compare to watching a movie in 3D. It all just depends on the audience you’re aiming for.

Albert Cisneros said...

I am really excited for this new form of movie screening. I think there has been a lot of talk lately that in the next few decades the way we view and make movies is going to be completely irrelevant, but movies and the exciting worlds they present will never die. These "escape" screens may be a sign as to what to expect from entertainment in the 21st century. There definitely seems to be a much more immersive quality to this new type of screening which is one of its most interesting aspects. immersive entertainment and intelligent environments are immensely interesting to me and I think these new screens are a testament as to what moviegoers, theater audiences, and amusement park attendees are looking for in the next wave of entertainment technology. We should alway be asking ourselves "how can we make an experience more exciting, more interesting". That is exactly what "Escape" screens are doing.