CMU School of Drama

Friday, August 01, 2014

Watch This Brain-Shaped Colossus Burst Into An Alien Light Show

The Creators Project: On July 5th at Moscow's Nikola-Lenivets Art Park, the New Media Night Festival kicked off with with an extraordinary video-mapping spectacle by media design studio Radugadesign, projected on the H.R. Giger-esque sculpture Universe Mind designed by Nikolay Polissky.
The park's architectural centerpiece has long been among the art collection at Nikola-Lenivets. As one of the space's 28 public sculptures, it has been lit up and gathered around for past festivals several times. But with staging and theatrics by Radugadesign—and an atmospheric, ambient score by electronic musician, Murcof—the audio-visual piece was an illuminating jumpstart to the summer festival.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Media hadn't really dawned on me prior to my arrival at Carnegie. I had seen some video mapping done before, even participated, but I never saw the task of projection as it's own bona-fide art form capable of spawning entire majors as well as it's own field of design. However, after chatting with teachers, playing with the 476, and seeing some of the projects done here in the past, it's clear that media is here to stay. Watching the video of the brain exploding into a web of different media images just cements this fact. At points, you would see a real brain, at others, you would see a structure that people could live in, and at strange small moments, you could watch it transform before your eyes. The fact that someone could use projection and lighting and THINK up such a breathtaking structure seriously blows my MIND.