CMU School of Drama

Friday, February 21, 2014

The Wolf of Broadway: Two Years Selling Theater Tickets for The Best/Worst Boss Ever

Vanity Fair: “Look at this board!” Vincent (not his real name) spat, pointing to the white board where we—the telesales callers—would mark our victories each night. By this late hour it should have been covered with “H”s—each vertical line representing a package sold with the connecting dash making a pair. Sometimes there’d be single lines. Sometimes you’d strike gold and get four, two couples from Westchester or the 908 part of Jersey. But tonight, nobody had anything. And Vincent was furious.

1 comment:

Adelaide Zhang said...

I'd be very interested to see how this "Wolf of Broadway" viewed this article, and how he viewed/justified his means. While it seems like his method's were highly effective, I can only imagine what it might be like to work for someone like Vincent. I would suspect that anyone under his management felt a fairly strong sense of resentment, but anyone who stayed working with him for a long enough time, like the author, must have understood that there was a reason for the abuse. Maybe, in this case, the ends justified the means -- it just happened to be a rather painful process.