CMU School of Drama

Friday, November 22, 2013

A Primer On The Perception Of Sound -

Pro Sound Web: The goal of this guide is to help develop knowledge of basic acoustic principles, in order to provide further understanding of the techniques of sound engineering and recording. Each section has a theme that is first defined in technical terms and then further explained in practical terms with respect to audio.


caschwartz said...

This is interesting and useful. I love having the math and physics theory of something connected to the actual phenomenon which it describes. Also, this now makes some of the buttons on the soundboard make more sense, now that I know which part of the sound they actually modify. I think that knowledge of how something works is almost as important as knowing how to fix it, but I might be slightly biased.

Mike Vultaggio said...

As a sound engineer I find this article very important to engineers every where. For me when I was first starting as a sound engineer I learned and retained everything rather quickly and soon became a decent (yet amateur) FOH engineer. One thing that I always found challenging at first was equalizing the system. I found this difficult up until my AP physics class where we spent a large amount of time on sound physics. After learning more about the physics of the sound, I was able to understand what I was doing to the sound to make it sound better.