CMU School of Drama

Monday, September 30, 2013

Giant duck's arrival paints Pittsburgh quack and yellow

Pittsburgh Post-Gazette: Those fans -- gathered on the Clemente Bridge and the Riverwalk and the steps of Point State Park by twos and threes, and then dozens and hundreds -- numbered in the many thousands of people all packed together and squinting downriver into the sun on Friday afternoon to await its arrival.


K G said...

This duck received so much hype! It's a cool idea, but I'm not sure I was expecting as large a reaction to it as has been occurring in the city. I think a major part of what has made it such an attraction (besides the fact that it's a giant duck) is the amount of copyright controversy it has caused. The ownership of giant duck related logos is certainly a point of content! In the end, I think these little arguments eventually backfired on those trying to reclaim the duck logo as theirs, because people were just inspired to but more merchandise from those they saw as victimized in the attack. Also, when you step back and take a look at it, the whole thing seems kind of silly. All this fighting, hype, and controversy, over a large floating bird in the water.

Becki Liu said...

Well first of all, the "quack" jokes are pretty funny! Anyway, I have yet to see the rubber duck but I really want to! I understand that some people might wondering why everyone is so riled up for a giant rubber duck, because when you think about it... it's kind of stupid in a brilliant way. But it reminds people of a time when they were happy. I think the whole idea of the duck is genius. I honestly don't care if the artist was going for a quick route to make money or if he actually had the intention to make people happy with this giant floating duck, it does make people happy. It gets adults and teens to release the stress of everyday life and have them feel like they were kids again. It gets kids to see the endless possibilities that the world has in store for them! The duck is brilliant.

Unknown said...

Last Sunday I went to see the duck. To be honest it was really cool. However, I was disappointed in the size of the duck. The duck itself is really big, but I thought that it would be a lot bigger. I'm not sure if it felt small because of its placement where there were really tall buildings next to it, or what not. That being said, I love that Pittsburgh is starting to incorporate more and more public art into the city.