CMU School of Drama

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Live Sound: Getting The Right Flow—Logical Approaches To The Live Show

Pro Sound Web: The corporate world calls it “workflow,” and in audio, we generally call it “prepping the show” as well as “load in-load out” and “set up-strike.” But none of it is quite adequate in describing effective practices in our overall approach to every show. In running a small sound company in Texas for almost a decade, it occurred to me that there might be a lack of information about how to go about these common yet vital aspects of working in sound reinforcement. A look around the internet pretty much confirmed this.

1 comment:

rmarkowi said...

I love this article. I have always used some of these practices, such as not striking cable until the space is almost empty, but when I packed my truck, I never thought about the weight distribution (my truck had 4 wheels so it wasn't a problem), but that meant I didn't think a lot about how I packed it. Usually, I would run out of space, and then move things around until everything fit. I also never thought to have my own ramps! That's ingenious, usually I would ask whoever was running the space, or I would get 6 people to help me lift everything.