CMU School of Drama

Sunday, December 23, 2012

Nick Holonyak, Inventor of the LED

YouTube: Physicist Nick Holonyak built the first LED 50 years ago.

1 comment:

Nikki Baltzer said...

I watched this video for the purpose of getting a better understanding of LED because I am still very confused but very curious about lights. I remember Cat telling us it puts out a spike of color and because of this doesn't mix colors well. Knowing this but not fully understanding it, I felt this would provide closure. It didn't. All I learned is that LED s are popular and efficient and GE is selling a bulb version to improve upon the classic bulb Tom Edison invented. Also the creator lived by the motto, "See a need, fill a need," and had the whole rags to riches story. I am glad for him but I didn't achieve what I hoped for watching this