CMU School of Drama

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Dust Collector Video: Clean Air Rocks

Camfil Farr APC: Got dust or fumes in your workplace? Hold on because you're about to take a virtual ride and fly through a Gold Series industrial dust collector. See how it works and how it can help you clean up your factory.


Will Gossett said...

The video was a little cheesy, but it was interesting to see the physical path that particulate matter in the air takes as it gets filtered. I was most impressed by what appeared to be an auto-cleaning filter system, that dumped all the gunk that gets caked onto the cylindrical filters down a funnel into an industrial drum for disposal. Smart and relatively maintenance free, besides having to empty the drums. I wonder how long each filter set works too, as I am sure that one can only blow out a filter so many times before it just becomes too full of the microscopic particles that don't get cleaned out each time.
I would have appreciated seeing some more technical information about the system throughout the video - some parts left me guessing at what point in the filtration process I was.

Robert said...

This is very interesting that they made a video of the piece of the equipment but they don't show the actual piece it was just a computer rendering and it makes me question if the dust collector has been made and tested. The pieces of the equipment seems to be easy to maintain by what the video shows. I have seen some of these that are extremely hard to change out, the filters and in this video they show it being extremely easy. Maybe they should also have a video that shows the real piece of equipment and how well it works, not just a simulation. I hope that a lot of shops buy this equipment and make their employees work place that much better.

AAKennard said...

First let me comment on the "AWESOME" dust collector movie that is coming to theatre soon. O wait that was just a commercial video for them. Ok so the video was crazy and kind of ridiculous. The epic music was nice and exciting got me all pumped up to see the molecules being ripped away to make CLEAN AIR!!! But I just not sure how this thing works or what actually happens. The video does not necessarily show me anything that I did not already know. The air goes through a lot of filters. So I would like to know what it actually does or some more information. BUT nice video!!