CMU School of Drama

Friday, September 21, 2012

The Importance of Movement in ‘Einstein on the Beach,’ at BAM Although “Einstein on the Beach,” the 1976 collaboration between Robert Wilson and Philip Glass that is in revival at the Brooklyn Academy of Music, is labeled “an opera in four acts,” the tag that Mr. Wilson gave to some of his earlier theatrical works might also serve: “dance play.”

1 comment:

jgutierrez said...

The idea of an opera told just as much through dance as through song is an interesting one. First of all I commend the performers for having the stamina to complete a show like that. Using dance as such an integral part of the storyline certainly opens a new way for the audience to view something as maybe they haven't thought of before. In a way, the show presents a challenge for both performer and viewer. Both must understand how each movement ties into the rest of the storyline and be able to let that connection help them move through the rest of the story. I would love to see the switchboard at the end. Tying in choreography into a design is something I haven't done before and that too sounds like a good challenge.