CMU School of Drama

Monday, July 30, 2012

First Theater, Then Facebook THE 300th birthday of Jean-Jacques Rousseau falls next week, and it is only proper to wish him a happy one. He had a few choice words to offer on the theme of happiness — the sort associated not with fleeting social pleasures but with “nothing external to ourselves, nothing if not ourselves and our own existence.”

1 comment:

Sam Short said...

For a very long intro, this article doesn't have a very long argument. In short, the article is trying to say that theatre is one of the starting reasons that we, as humans, are so detached from our everyday lives. It tries to convince us that theatre was one of the first things to pull us from our lives and shove us into a new one. In reality, this is true, theatre does pull us out of the real world and sends us to a new one. This, however, can not be accountable for failing participation that everyone has in their own lives. I understand what the author of this article is trying to say, but theatre has enriched society in such a way that blaming it for detaching us from reality is just insane.