CMU School of Drama

Sunday, November 27, 2011

DGA Membership Ratifies New Commercial Contract

Below the Line: The Directors Guild of America announced that the DGA membership has ratified the new collective bargaining agreement between the DGA and the Association of Independent Commercial Producers (AICP).
“We entered into negotiations with the goal of protecting the excellent health benefits enjoyed by our members, retirees and their families, and obtaining the best possible deal for our members in light of the continued difficult economic environment confronting the advertising production industry,” said DGA president Taylor Hackford. “I am very pleased that we achieved our goals with a new commercial contract that contains substantial improvements in every category.”


Devorah said...

It is great to read about Unions being able to address the concerns of their members. It is also great to see employers agreeing to put in a larger percentage. There are an impressive amount of increases listed in this article and I hope this trend continues in terms of health care especially. I know the film world has more money than the theatre world but that doesn't mean those who work under AEA contracts should not make a living wage with acceptable benefits.

Jennifer said...

We have been talking a lot about unions and negotiations in Tech Management and how fragile negotiations can be. When talking about people's jobs and benefits you usually hear about companies not wanting to shell out for employee benefits. Thus, I;m really excited to see that both sides were able to agree and protect the benefits of its members. They really seem to care and fight for its members. That kind of support is what being in a union is supposed to grant you and I hope that more unions will follow suit and fight for their members. There is strength in numbers after all.