CMU School of Drama

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Mia Yoo Steps Into Ellen Stewart’s Shoes at La MaMa TWO years ago, Ellen Stewart, the founder and longtime impresario of La MaMa Experimental Theater Club in the East Village, was speaking to her entire staff at a nearby restaurant when she dropped a bombshell. “Mia,” she said, “will be the new me.”


Devorah said...

I think there are several key things said in this article. First of all I think they do well to acknowledge Ellen Stewart for the work that she did while at the same time pointing out that because this company was her "baby" she was sometimes unable to objectivity see the business flaws behind all of her decisions. They talk delicately about how holding on to all of the people you have worked with might not always be positive and how they intend to make room for new artists by cutting down on resident companies' performances. it seems like Ms. Yoo has a good handle on what changes she thinks will work for the company. My only hope is that they do not go too far in the opposite direction and turn the organization into a too corporate machine. I don't think Ellen would be happy with that.

Meg DC said...

I have to agree with Devorah that there do seem to be some good changes on the way for La MaMa. I can see how new artists can bring new ideas and I love that! I do not worry about becoming too corporate because part of La MaMa's mission is experimental theatre which I would not associate with corporate theatre since there are different target audiences.