CMU School of Drama

Sunday, May 08, 2011

Cirque du Soleil's show in Strip District to trace development of mankind

Post Gazette: "It has been fascinating to watch the evolution of Cirque du Soleil from a cadre of 20 street performers to an arts and entertainment juggernaut that has scoured the globe and literally taken hold of Las Vegas.
Now the Montreal powerhouse has turned its attention to evolution as the theme of its latest show, 'TOTEM' (pronounced toh-TEM), which last week plunked its colorful blue-and-yellow Grand Chapiteau in the Strip District. Only its third tent production to visit Pittsburgh ('Quidam' in 2002 and 'Varekai' in 2005 were the others) and fifth Cirque production overall begins Friday and runs through May 29.

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Really Real World worldly like