CMU School of Drama

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Rose Brand Runs Contest to Promote How-To Blogs

Stage Directions: "Rose Brand is inviting all bloggers to guest-post on their “Know-How” blog. Rose Brand has started an ongoing “How Did YOU Do It?” contest, inviting all backstage-types to write up a post about how they solved a technical problem. Rose Brand will review the entries, and publish ones they deem worthy. Prizes include the exposure of appearing on the Rose Brand site, and a gift card. Rose Brand says there can be an “unlimited” number of winners—but you have to submit by April 25, 2011.


Tiffany said...

I think this contest is a great way to promote how-to blogs. I love reading how-to articles. Not only do I just find them interesting, but they are extremely helpful to see how other people have done things, the challenges they have faced, as well as the solutions they came up with. It is very educational for those just learning how to do things, and it can even teach the most experienced people new things, both positive and negative.

Madeline M. said...

I'm truly excited about the results that this contest will produce! I love referring to "How-To" blogs for many of my daily needs or questions so I look forward to the production of these resources for theatrical tips as well. I have found that most of the tricks of the trade that I learned before attending technical theatre classes here at Carnegie Mellon were through word of mouth or learned in moment, weight in hands or platform balancing. I adore the accessibility that the internet provides and am grateful for the ability to acquire generational, "with-experience" knowledge this way.