CMU School of Drama

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

How Much is Intellectual Property Worth?

An Angry White Guy in Chicago: "Last week, within the melee of press coming out for WNEP's most recent offering, I decided to post the reviews on this blog. Part because - hey, that's what you do - and part, knowing that we were going to get a LOT of review press coming out, as an experiment in looking into the practice and pragmatism involved in theatrical criticism."

1 comment:

Unknown said...

This argument seems to be pretty silly. I've tried to over time see a bit more into the things that are in some of these articles but, for the most part, I certainly agree with the writer. Overall, Ms. Sullivan would have netted a whopping "-134.91"! And it only cost her a few hours of her time. I'm not really sure how the logistics of all of this would work out but, it seems to me like this can fall under reports of news for the terms of fair use.