CMU School of Drama

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Alonzo King's ballet troupe mixes classic, contemporary

Post Gazette: "For choreographer Alonzo King, dance isn't just an art form -- it's a vehicle for exploring the self and the world around us.
'Movement and dance make up the entire phenomenal world,' King said. 'If you look at the constellations that are in the sky, if you look at the rhythm of sunrise and sunset, the hustle and bustle of the city ... it's all movement.'"

1 comment:

Sylvianne said...

Dance is an underestimated art form. Movement is the easiest way to communicate emotion, and when paired with music, whether instrumental, or self-made like in Step Africa!, it can be very moving.
This show would be interesting to see. More and more companies are moving away from the set guidelines of classical dance and reinventing their own definitions of the performance art. It is unusual for a dance company to completely disregard the rules of genres and music standards however; this show should be an impressive one to see if only because it is different from most of what is available in well known dance productions.