CMU School of Drama

Friday, December 04, 2009

Stay Focused and Avoid Distractions: The Next 3 Things

WebWorkerDaily: "I sometimes struggle with staying focused on the most important tasks, and this is particularly important during the stressful holiday times. My love of fun side projects is a big part of the problem for me — I always have to be careful not to let those projects take too much time away from the client work that actually pays the bills. I’ve been doing a pretty good job of managing my time and staying focused using some of the techniques that I’ve described in previous posts: working in chunks, scheduling my time and maximizing productivity without burning out. However, I’m always looking for other ways to increase my productivity and manage my time more efficiently."

1 comment:

Alex E. S. Reed said...

Okay, I’m not going to say that this article was a useless read because for the uneducated it possibly wasn’t. I think I go into every one of these self-help articles expecting some big revelation or new way of looking at something. This article just well-organized things I already knew. Don’t get me wrong the information was pertinent, and that thing about organizing her gift wrap I have run into many a time. But come on! These are all things that someone has run into just working at some point in their project. They didn’t need Times New Roman font to tell them. If you’re going to blog about something make it something worth reading. Tell me away I can attack that project and get a full night’s sleep. Let me know how to make that project the best project I’ve ever done even though I hate class. Something other than the obstacles that ill run into anyway!