CMU School of Drama

Friday, September 25, 2009

Studiocraft - Refrigerator Drawing

Enterprising student and I are having trouble with the Multi-line text function. We can type, but whenever we hit enter, the cursor simply opens a new text box. If we press any thing to get out of that, everything is deleted. For the time being we wrote our names and quotes with the line tool.

Thank you for you time.
You get out of MTEXT by either clicking outside the box or clicking the “OK” on the toolbar. Hitting enter will do a line feed or re-invoke the command.

You could just use DTEXT

1 comment:

Thomas Ford said...

MTEXT or DTEXT, that is the question. First off no matter which I choose if I haven’t CADed in a while I always forget how to exit the text and I typically end up accidentally deleting what I just did. I’ve heard from multiple people that you should use MTEXT and only MTEXT for everything you do, and I can kind of see the point to that. I mean, if I could only use one it would be MTEXT, because it can do more. But there are two options for a reason, and I think that both are very useful. I recently had to make a signal flow diagram for Production Audio and most of my text was DTEXT. MTEXT can do single line text, but DTEXT gives you much better justification options for single line text. MTEXT offers more flexibility when it comes to changing fonts and typefaces, which is nice, but sometimes the simplicity of DTEXT is the way to go. Yeah you can do everything with MTEXT, but why would you. There are two options for a reason: so you can use them both. In the situation described in this blog post though MTEXT is probably the way to go if they want to write their names and quotes in the same text box, but it depends.